Ricia Leslie - Spiritual Life Coach – EFT Practitioner – Matrix Reimprinter
Get unstuck now!
Work with Ricia to Achieve Your Goals
Support That Makes a Difference
My practice is very much integrative, using all the tools at my disposal for the greatest benefit of my clients.
Available via Zoom/Telephone. Also available face-to-face in South-East London.
Working 1:1 with clients
An individual session is £125 for 90 mins
I offer programmes which consist of 60 min sessions:
3 sessions for £290​​​​​
6 sessions for £540 ​
12 sessions for £990
And is for:
Those suffering with anxiety/stress/overwhelm due to a lack of healthy boundaries
Anyone who feels trapped/stuck and is ready to escape
People who feel their kindness is taken advantage of
Creating more positive relationships
Getting to the place that you’ve been struggling to reach
Gaining clarity on who you are and what your purpose is and many other circumstances besides.
Group coaching
I love creating women’s groups that hold and support each other through the twists and turns of life.
If you have a group of like-minded women with whom you would like to create a safe space, I have created a protocol which I call the BeAttitudes for Groups to create a cohesive, supportive group environment.
The group energy is key in accelerating the aims, objectives and personal development of a group. My role is to facilitate the group in achieving its objectives.
And is for:
Anyone who feels isolated in their issue, i.e. “I’m the only one going through this”
Those wanting to connect to others on a deeper level and feel safe doing so
Getting cheered on when you don’t do so good as well as when you do
Turning your plan into action steps knowing the group is with you all the way and many other circumstances besides.​
Below is all the information about the specific services I offer;

Spiritual Life Coaching
Many people place spirituality in the same box as religion, my feeling is that spirituality is expressly inclusive, whereas religion may not be.
Hi Im Ricia and I love being a Spiritual Life Coach;
Nothing makes me happier than using my integrated skills in coaching, EFT and Matrix, I can support you to uncover, explore and eliminate the blocks that prevent you from making the necessary changes to achieve what you truly desire.
Don’t allow the past to influence your future. Release the beliefs that are affecting your behaviour and lead your Elevated Life. To learn more about what spiritual life coaching, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can do for you, please feel free to email me and we can discuss how you too can Elevate your life!
Why Spiritual Life Coaching?
It’s a safe space, devoid of judgment, where understanding, self-compassion and self-forgiveness are the foundation of the process.
It’s about knowledge of self and creating balance in life. Most people have areas of their life that could do with more focused attention but are not sure where to start.
Spiritual life coaching will enable you to discover and embrace your true self – your elevated self – allowing you to transcend any previous limitations to tap into your higher purpose. By exploring each aspect of your life, you will identify the links between these and your life purpose.
Life purpose meaning, being in alignment with what you think, what you say and the actions you take.
Coaching in general is all about looking within, building confidence and finding the motivation to realise your dreams. Spiritual coaching looks at forces both within and without to help you get there. The aim is to align your inner resources with the flow of the Universe to actualise your goals and achieve transformation.
What Can It Do For Me?
It can address and transform any area of your life where you feel unfulfilled, stuck, uninspired or where you seem to keep repeating the same problem.
For example:
wondering “how did I get here again?”
doing a job you don’t like because you believe you have no other option
longing to find a meaningful relationship
feeling like a victim of your to-do list
feeling lost or stuck in a rut
suffering from self-doubt and fear
Feeling obliged to put others first to the detriment of self
feeling burnt out.
There is a definite connection between not fulfilling your true self – your elevated self – and areas of struggle in your life. Areas that you might never associate with spirituality can be addressed with this type of coaching.

Emotional Freedom Technique
What Is EFT?
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a mind/
body self-help method. It combines a gentle touch together with mindful and vocal attention to thoughts and feelings.
EFT involves tapping with our fingertips on acupuncture points on the hands, face and body while focusing (temporarily) upon an issue we wish to resolve.
While ongoing scientific research continues to document and validate EFT as an effective treatment worthy of being mainstreamed, what is remarkable is that it works so well.
EFT allows us to release and transform the way uncomfortable feelings like hurt, guilt, fear, or anger may be affecting our experience. EFT can also be used to help transform the thoughts and beliefs behind our emotional experiences.
After just a few rounds of tapping, people often report feeling lighter and calmer and able to breathe more easily – almost as if they now have more space inside. They may report that their thinking has changed, they have gained new insights or that they are feeling better, overall.
As we begin to notice, acknowledge, and transform how we carry our emotions, we begin to see just how this may be contributing to pain, illness, or other personal challenges. By using EFT, we can reconnect with our innate sense of unshakeable wellbeing.
Developed by engineer Gary Craig and inspired largely from the work of Dr. Roger Callahan, EFT is easy to learn and flexible enough to be used by anyone. As we explore EFT for ourselves, we become empowered to respond to our own emotional states and help ourselves feel better.
With the aid of this simple and natural healing tool, we can discover just how our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions affect our bodies and our lives – and how we can more consciously make the changes we desire.
How Can It Help Me?
The list of ways EFT can help is exhaustive, here are a few examples;
Relieve stress and promote general relaxation
Release and transform painful, uncomfortable or “negative” emotions like anxiety, sadness, anger, guilt, frustration, etc.
Improve or even eliminate some types of physical discomfort or pain
Heal the effects of emotional trauma whether you remember the incident or not, and whether the emotional trauma came from one event or many
Diminish cravings for food and addictive substances
Resolve financial blocks and help us change our financial behaviour
Address relationship problems
Resolve emotional eating and weight issues
Improve or relieve symptoms from diagnosed medical conditions
Relieve phobias and other fears, irrational or otherwise
Relieve the symptoms of PTSD
Foster better sleep and sleep habits
Increase self-esteem, clear-thinking, positive feelings and a sense of greater peace
Improve performance (artistic, professional, athletic, sexual, etc.)
Maximize creativity, visioning, and goal setting
Increase energy and productivity
Empower children, parents and families
Benefit the lives of animals
Promote spiritual growth, self-empowerment and confidence
Move us beyond self-limiting beliefs and open us towards greater possibilities

Matrix Reimprinting
What is Matrix Reimprinting?
Matrix Reimprinting was created by Karl Dawson, my trainer – an EFT Master Practitioner who trained with Gary Craig who developed EFT.
Whereas EFT takes the emotional intensity out of a negative memory, Matrix Reimprinting takes EFT to the next level by allowing us to transform the memory.
When the trauma or negative memory is created our feelings can freeze and we are unable to deal with them in the moment. The frozen feelings then resurface in later years and we replay them, most of the time in destructive ways. We can’t identify the emotions or where they come from but we do know they make us uncomfortable.
In the Matrix we can identify where our emotions come from and find our way to the origin of the memory.
When using Matrix in a session the client is asked to step into the memory and view it like a play on a stage. The client stays disassociated from the play but is able to interact with the characters (especially their own) in the memory and assist them to say or do whatever is needed in order to transform the memory.
The client is shown how to bring in a wide range of resources including EFT, tools or people to support them in any way they want.
In traditional psychotherapy it is well established that when we experience trauma a part of us splits off to protect us from it. Through his work Karl believes that when the split occurs a separate energetic reality develops outside the body in our field and this is what he calls the ECHO; an ‘Energy Consciousness Hologram’. This ECHO stores all the trauma and negative energy on our behalf, it protects us.
The ECHO is a brand new concept compared to the accepted ‘inner child’ where psychotherapists and counsellors ask us to go inward to look at or identify with our disassociated self. When we tune into the ECHO in our field we are able to view the memory as if watching a play. The beauty of this is the client can resolve deep issues without having to associate with and relive the emotional upset.
When the feelings are resolved and the client has found resolution within the matrix, all the positive beliefs and feelings are then ‘reimprinted’ though a harmless, enjoyable process.
The aim is for the client to finish each session feeling lighter than they did before. There are so many AHA moments where beliefs are identified and cognitive shifts occur. Clients are often amazed at how good they feel afterwards.
How Can It Help Me?
When you recognise that your beliefs are the directors of your life, it is simply one of the best tools to transform negative beliefs “I’m not good enough to take on that role” to positive beliefs “It is entirely possible for me to do anything I want to do!”